

中外政府支持 ——我校是江西省唯一入选的教育部来华留学示范基地;具有招收中国政府奖学金生的资格,也是外国政府奖学金(合作项目)来华留学基地之一。

校园环境优美——学校位于有着“英雄城”美誉的江南古城 —— 江西省省会南昌市,市区及省内旅游资源丰富,。学校现有青山湖、东湖、前湖、鄱阳湖、抚州 5 个校区,占地面积 8052 亩,校内环境也十分优美,建设有先进的多媒体语音室、计算机室、现代化设施的教室和学术报告厅;设有单间、双人间等不同需求的现代化设施的留学生公寓。

设备优良齐全 ——学校教学仪器设备总值 3.1 亿元,图书馆藏书 290 万余册,拥有国家教育部重点实验室 2 个,教育部工程中心 1 个,国家级临床药理基地 1 个,国家干细胞工程技术研究中心江西分中心 1 个,各级各类附属医院 10 所。能够为学生提供良好的实验和实习条件。

师资力量雄厚 ——学校有专任教师 2878 人,其中正副教授 1471 人,占 52% ;具有博士学位的教师 297 人,具有硕士学位的教师 1056 人,具有硕士以上学位的占 47% ;有中国科学院和中国社会科学院院士 5 人,“长江学者”特聘教授 2 名,全国“百千万人才”工程一、二层专家 5 人,国家有突出贡献的中青年专家 11 人,享受国务院和省政府特殊津贴人员 223 人。

优势专业突出 ——学校拥有国家重点学科 2 个,江西省重点学科 37 个、品牌专业 36 个,省级医学领先专业 16 个。不仅开设有多种类型的汉语学习课程,而且在中文授课的本科、硕士和博士学历教育等方面形成了完整的格局。这种灵活的教学方式、丰富的教学内容和精湛的教学水平,深受留学生的欢迎。

汉语教学质量突出 ——学校采用小班授课形式并在师资培训、专业设置、教材教法、培养方式上积极探索;在课程设置上除为留学生开设汉语听、说、读、写等基础语言课程外,还开设了中国概况、中国文化、中国书法、武术等选修课和专题讲座。


Supports from Chinese government and foreign counterpart

Our university is the only Demonstration Zone for foreign students in JiangXi province authorized by National Ministry of Education.We are given the qualification to award foreign students with Chinese government scholarship.We are also one of the zones of studying-in-China supported with scholarship by foreign government(in cooperative projects).

Beautiful and Pleasing Campus

 Our university is located in the provincial capital city----NanChang in JiangXi province,which is a southern city with a reputation of “Hero City”.There are abundant tourism resources in the city as well as the whole province.Our university has five campuses,located in Qingshanhu District,Donghu District,Qianhu District,Poyang Lake and Fuzhou municipality with a total coverage of 8052 acres.The campus is clean and comfortable,beautiful and pleasing equipped with advanced multimedia language laboratory,computer laboratory,modern classroom and auditorium.The department for foreign students are divided into single room and double room with modern facilities to satisfy different needs.

Well-equipped Campus

 All teaching instruments and equipment cost 3100 million;the library has an ample store of books with more than 2.9 million volumes;there are two key laboratories and one Engineering Center under the control of Ministry of Education,one national Clinical Pharmacology Zone,one Stem cell Engineering Technology Research Center of Jiangxi branch,ten affiliated hospitals of various kinds and levels.All of those shall provide good environment for experimental study and practice.

Abundant Teaching Resources

There are 2787 teachers in our university,including 1471 professors or associate professors which accounts for 52%;the number of teachers with a doctor’s degree is 297 while with a master’s degree 1056,the total accounts for 47%;there are 5 academicians from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Social Science,2 Distinguished Professors from Yangtze River Scholar,5 experts from the national project of “Millions of Talents”,11 young or middle-aged professors with excellent contributions to the country,223 servants with special allowances from the State Council and provincial government.

Distinguished Preponderant Majors

Our university establish 2 national key subjects,37 key subjects of JiangXi province,36 symbolic specialties,16 advanced provincial medial specialties.We not only set up various Chinese-Learning courses,but also establish a compete system in teaching with Chinese for bachelors,masters and doctors.It gains wide popularity for its flexible methods of teaching,ample education content and high teaching level.

High Quality in Teaching with Chinese

Students are divided into small classes to have a better and dynamic learning environment.Meanwhile,we are probing into more creative methods in cultivating our teachers,dividing specialties, as well as teaching and educating.We not only provide foreign students with basic Chinese language courses,but also set some optional courses or special seminars such as A outline of China,Chinese Culture,Chinese Calligraphy and Wushu.

Comprehensive Administration

We institute several offices for the management of foreign students’daily life in the International Exchange College.They provide various and comprehensive services such as admission,cultivating programs, accommodations,school rolls and graduation for foreign students.